Our beautiful ancestral Tribal lands get busy this time of year with many visitors and may include wait times to enter our hiking areas. Thanks in advance for your patience.


  1. Hike with a friend. Also, tell another friend where you will be hiking and when you expect to return.
  2. Stay within your capabilities. For hikes 2 miles and longer, bring extra water, food and supplies.
  3. Know your trail. Use a map and a compass when hiking in back country.
  4. You must carry water. Hydrate your body the night before. No alcohol; alcohol speeds up dehydration. Carry as much drinking water as you can. Rule of thumb: you will need at least one quart of water for every hour of hiking. Drinking when you are thirsty is too late. When half of your water is gone, turn around and head back.
  5. You will be entering a wilderness area that is inhabited by a variety of wildlife, including rattlesnakes, bighorn sheep and mountain lions. Please be aware of your surroundings and stay on our trails while in the Indian Canyons.
  6. Assume all snakes are dangerous. Pay attention to where you step and place your hands. Let the snake go its way. Do not harm or handle snakes.
  7. Keep children near you and stay on the trail.
  8. Know the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
  9. Pace yourself.
  10. Items that may come in handy: flashlight, GPS/cell phone, whistle, poncho, pocket knife, first aid kit.


  1. No fires.

  2. No smoking.

  3. No alcoholic beverages.

  4. No bicycles or motorized vehicles on trails.

  5. No animals.

  6. No rock climbing.

  7. No firearms, explosives or fireworks.

  8. No loud music or noise.

  9. Do not disturb or deface natural or cultural objects; do not remove any objects.

  10. Obey posted speed limits.

  11. Hike on designated trail only.

  12. Park in designated areas only.

  13.  No drones.​

Printable Hiking Checklist